4 Reasons Why Seniors Struggle To Get The Exercise They Need

Most people (of any age) know very well that they should exercise, but they struggle to do it. However, the excuses seem to compound themselves with age, making it seem like you’ll never get in shape. Don’t lose hope! You are not helpless, you are not doomed, and you do have choices. Part of knowing how to break through the obstacles that keep you from the fitness you want is simply identifying what is the holdup. Look for the reason why you struggle to get exercise in the list below, and do what it takes to smash through that brick wall.

Don Thomsen, creator of 3 Step Fitness/Wellness Program

1. Boredom

Reason #1; When you get older, the types of exercise available to you become more limited, and the ones that remain are simply boring to you. You can’t seem to take an interest in getting yourself up to walk around the block or do your stretches.

Solution #1; Try going with someone. The conversation will stimulate both of you, and you’ll probably help each other out in your fitness pursuits. If you don’t have someone to go with you, try putting on headphones to listen to a stimulating audiobook, educational podcast, or adrenaline-pumping music. Or watch our video series and join in on the fitness workout—you’ll love the interesting content I share. Plus, some people say I’m quite a character, and you might just be entertained in the process.

2. Fatigue

Reason #2; You have a huge heart to stay fit, but your energy levels just aren’t there. The smallest exertion tires you out, and it seems like a losing battle.

Solution #2; Don’t lose heart. Any amount of exercise, no matter how small, can play a role in helping you to keep going. Look into caffeine-free ways to stimulate your body’s energy production. Boost your nutrition. Break up your workout into mini, bite-sized pieces throughout the day.

3. Health Problems

Reason #3; You have had surgery or a major illness, and you just can’t seem to bounce back. If you could just get back to where you were, you’d start working out, but the way you feel now, it seems impossible.

Solution #3; Check with your doctor to know whether you can exercise or not, but if you have a green light to go ahead, do your best to get your body moving, even if it’s very slowly. Don’t wait until you feel as good as you did before. Try physical or occupational therapy sessions to get your body working again.

4. Not Knowing How

Reason #4; You really don’t have the knowledge of what to do to get your body into optimum working order. When you read descriptions of the exercises and stretches you should do, your eyes start to glaze over at terms like fire hydrants, mountain climbers, donkey kicks, and Russian twists.

Solution #4; Get someone like me to guide you through the workouts you should do, in the right order, in just the right amount. Because my fitness program is on video, you’ll be able to see exactly how each workout is done so that you can join in. I also demonstrate a simple version of each exercise for people with limited mobility or less strength.


The basic secret to living a healthy, more fit Lifestyle when you are over 50 is: “Everything in moderation.” That is the beauty of participating in my 3 Step Fitness/Wellness “90 day” Program. It’s easy, simple, and rewarding.

In 90 days you will develop a modest daily routine that will sustain you for the balance of your life. By investing just a few minutes a day (not hours) you will sustain a vibrant lifestyle that will afford you the luxury to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future.



My motto is;

“Start small, and add one small thing each week, for 12 weeks”

Watch this video to see Don’s Personal Invitation

Sign Up for my FREE 3 Step Video Series and Newsletter then JOIN US in our 12 week Fitness/Wellness Program.




Why Exercise Should Be A Part Of Your Fall Prevention Plan

(Part 3 of 3)

With the annual Falls Prevention Awareness Day coming up on September 22, we devoted three Newsletters to help keep you safe from falling, which accounts for over 40% of injuries in baby-boomers and seniors.

In part 1 of this series, 7 Senior Fitness Tips For Reducing Falls we gave you some safety tips on “Fall-Proofing your living environment to eliminate tripping hazards.

In part 2 of this series, 3 Brain-Expanding Exercise Tips For Seniors To Improve Your Balance And Help Avoid Falls we looked at some of the ways that you can stimulate your brain’s ability to keep you in balance.

“However, no matter how much your brain might want to keep your balance, if you don’t have the muscle tone to match, the sharpest brain in the world won’t have much to work with.”

Don Thomsen stayhealthyafter50.com

Good Balance Starts In The Brain, But It Ends In The Muscles

Your ability to keep your body upright and balanced depends on a combined effort between your ankles, knees, hips, core muscles, reflexes, eyesight, and inner ear equilibrium.

Aging leads to a certain amount of natural deterioration of each of these individual components, leaving you at risk of a higher likelihood of falling. However, you are not completely at the mercy of your body’s whims. For many people, an exercise program is not only possible, it forms a vital part of your ability to prevent falls. The best exercise routine for seniors is one that takes into account your unique needs and gives you a workout that is easy enough to not be daunting, yet hard enough to make a difference.

Greater Strength Leads To Better Balance

There’s an unbelievable number of muscles that are at work in every part of your body at any given moment. It’s not just strong glutes or quads that keep you in balance. It’s a combination of all the tiny muscles surrounding the joints of your hips, knees, and ankles that are constantly sensing the environment around them and making micro-adjustments to keep you stable and upright. It’s also thanks to your core muscles, the deep abdominal muscles that you may not even notice or appreciate until they let you know they’re not strong any more. The right exercise program will build your strength in all the areas that are important for your balance.

Greater Flexibility Leads To Better Balance

Your fitness routine doesn’t just make you stronger; it also limbers you up and increases your flexibility. Have you ever noticed that when you’re stiff, you don’t let your limbs move as far as they used to? Watch a young child attempt to balance as they walk on a narrow beam or a railroad track, and you’ll see their arms flying out to the side as they involuntarily attempt to catch their balance. If your range of motion is limited, you won’t be able to immediately counterbalance yourself if you start to fall. Therefore, your exercise program should also help you to do what you can to improve your flexibility.

In our last two Newsletters, we have focused on a total of 10 different tips for how to improve your balance and prevent falls. Next month is the annual “Falls Prevention Awareness Day” by the National Council on Aging, and in honor of that, we’d like to conclude this 3-part series with a look at how the right exercise program can help you to avoid falls.


The basic secret to living a healthy, more fit Lifestyle when you are over 50 is: “Everything in moderation.” That is the beauty of participating in my 3 Step Fitness/Wellness “90 day” Program. It’s easy, simple, and rewarding.

In 90 days you will develop a modest daily routine that will sustain you for the balance of your life. By investing just a few minutes a day (not hours) you will sustain a vibrant lifestyle that will afford you the luxury to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future.



My motto is;

“Start small, and add one small thing each week, for 12 weeks”



Watch this video to see Don’s Personal Invitation



3 Brain-Expanding Exercise Tips For Seniors To Improve Your Balance And Help Avoid Falls

(Part 2 of 3)

With the annual Falls Prevention Awareness Day coming up on September 22, we’d like to focus our next two Newsletters on some tips and tricks for helping you to increase your balance and reduce falls. Last week, our first newsletter in this series of three was: 7 Senior Fitness Tips For Reducing Falls  In this post, we’d like to take a closer look at how to boost your brain’s ability to help you to maintain your balance and avoid falls.

(national consul on aging)

Good Balance Starts In The Brain

Don’t start your pursuit of better balance with your muscles; start with the brain that controls those muscles. Your brain has to make a multitude of decisions and send countless nerve signals throughout your body in order for you to stay in balance. Then it has to receive feedback from the nerve endings in your extremities and joints in order to determine if it needs to adjust anything. Your brain is doing this constantly, with or without your conscious attention. As your balance begins to be affected as you age, you need to stimulate your brain and give it a boost. Here are some things that will exercise your brain’s ability to send the right signals to your muscles to keep you in balance.

1. Cross The Mid-Line.

Have you started to move less and less because of fatigue, stiffness, and aching joints and muscles? Then you’ve probably stopped doing the kind of movements where one part of your body crosses the midline.

  • Practice touching your right hand to your left knee, and vice versa.
  • While you’re standing up, move both arms all the way to the right and then all the way to the left. Start slow and increase your speed as you feel comfortable.
  • With the support of hand rails or another person holding your hands, try swinging one leg from the left to the right as far as you can extend it, preferably beyond shoulder width on both sides. Repeat with the other leg.

2. Increment The Difficulty.

When you do something that is just a tad harder than what your brain is used to, it will race to try to catch up. Give yourself a goal that pushes you just slightly but that you can still do safely.

  • Walk on level grass or sand. The tiny imperfections in the surface of the ground will make your brain work just a bit harder to improve your balance. Then, when you go back to walking on indoor floors, you’ll be better at it.
  • Try learning to juggle. Juggling is an activity that tests your brain at the same time that you’re moving your muscles. Even if you don’t actually succeed in learning to juggle, you’ll boost your brainpower and coordination in the process.

3. Stimulate The Nerve Endings.

There are nerve endings in your skin and in your joints that provide valuable feedback to the brain. However, lack of stimulation to these nerve endings can cause the brain’s “map” for those areas to atrophy. The good news is, you can rebuild your brain’s map (and consequently, you can get better feedback) by stimulating these areas, especially your feet. If you always wear socks and shoes, try going barefoot and rubbing your feet against different surfaces and textures once a day, or get a foot massage. Your feet will send better messages to your brain about what they’re encountering, and that’s good for your stability.

In addition to stimulating your brain . . .

Don’t forget your body’s all important, CORE

As we age, we tend to lose muscle tone in the “all important” areas of our bodies. Adversely, the muscles located in our midsection, upper chest, and arms contribute greatly to our ability to maintain proper balance, strength, and agility. The replacement of these critical muscles, with fat will deter your ability to control your range of motion, balance, and ability to resist debilitating falls.


The basic secret to living a healthy, more fit Lifestyle when you are over 50 is: “Everything in moderation.” That is the beauty of participating in my 3 Step Fitness/Wellness “90 day” Program. It’s easy, simple, and rewarding.

In 90 days you will develop a modest daily routine that will sustain you for the balance of your life. By investing just a few minutes a day (not hours) you will sustain a vibrant lifestyle that will afford you the luxury to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future.



My motto is;

“Start small, and add one small thing each week, for 12 weeks”



Watch this video to see Don’s Personal Invitation



7 Senior Fitness Tips For Reducing Falls

(Part 1 of 3)

With the annual Falls Prevention Awareness Day coming up on September 22, we’d like to focus our next three Newsletters on some tips and tricks for helping you to increase your balance and reduce falls.

(national consul on aging)

Use These Tips To Prevent Falls

When you were a kid, you bounced back from falls, but now that you’re older, a fall can be costly. It is not only painful, it can cost you time and money to recover, depending on your injuries. In this first blog, we’d like to cover some of the basics, and later, we’ll go more into depth on some of the key tips that can help you.

1. Identify Fall Risks

Think through all the times that you’ve fallen or lost your balance recently and had to catch yourself. Make a list of all the things that triggered these events, and brainstorm practical solutions to mitigate these risks. For instance, if there is a place in your home where there is a change in flooring surface from carpet to linoleum, that’s a fall risk. Consider installing a non-skid strip on the floor right there.

2. Check Your Medications

If you are taking a number of medications at one time, it can increase your chances of falling due to dizziness, confusion, or low blood pressure. Ask your doctor if there are any tweaks that you can make to your medications to help avoid falls.

3. Move Deliberately, With Mental Alertness And Focus

You used to be able to walk around without thinking. Avoiding falls was an automatic, unconscious skill that you had. If you find you’re losing that skill as an automatic thing, engage your mind with sharper focus every time you move from point A to point B. Don’t walk and talk on the phone at the same time. Be extra cautious any time that you sense less mental clarity than normal while you’re walking.

4. Remove Any Tripping Hazards

Think critically about the arrangement of furniture and the items that may be on the floor of your home. If you have rugs, plastic runners, or cords on the floor, consider removing them, and be proactive about reducing any clutter, such as shoes or bags, that could cause you to trip.

5. Wear The Right Shoes

The right footwear can make a difference in keeping you stable and balanced, so be intentional about what’s on your feet.

Don’t Wear…

  • Socks
  • Smooth-bottomed shoes
  • High heels
  • Shoes that feel heavy
  • Athletic shoes with deep treads in the soles
  • Shoes with large or protruding soles

Do Wear…

  • Shoes with non-skid soles
  • Comfortable, supportive shoes
  • Shoes that are lightweight

6. Increase Visibility

Loss of visual acuity or depth perception can increase your risk of falling. The best way to increase visibility will change from one situation to another, but do what is available to you to make it easier to see.

7. Strengthen Your “Core.”

As we age, we tend to lose muscle tone in the “all important” areas of our bodies. Adversely, the muscles located in our midsection, upper chest, and arms contribute greatly to our ability to maintain proper balance, strength, and agility. The replacement of these critical muscles, with fat will deter your ability to control your range of motion, balance, and ability to resist debilitating falls.


The basic secret to living a healthy, more fit Lifestyle when you are over 50 is: “Everything in moderation.” That is the beauty of participating in my 3 Step Fitness/Wellness “90 day” Program. It’s easy, simple, and rewarding.

In 90 days you will develop a modest daily routine that will sustain you for the balance of your life. By investing just a few minutes a day (not hours) you will sustain a vibrant lifestyle that will afford you the luxury to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future.



Sign Up for my FREE 3 Step Video Series and Newsletter then JOIN US in our 12 week Fitness/Wellness Program.


My motto is;

“Start small, and add one small thing each week, for 12 weeks”


Watch this video to see Don’s Personal Invitation



9 Ways To Eat Clean

Clean Eating Means Choosing Foods That Are As Natural As Possible. WebMD Shows How You Can Make It Work For You.

#1-Pick Whole Foods

The basic idea of clean eating is to choose foods that are as close to their natural form as possible. So instead of boxed, bagged, or packaged foods, choose fresh, whole ones. Think whole turkey instead of frozen turkey meatballs or raw grapes instead of gummy snacks made with fruit juice.

Bonus: When you avoid highly processed foods, like chips, cookies, and ready-to-eat meals, you skip their loads of calories, sugar, salt, and saturated fat.

whole grain bread

#2-Eat More Whole Grains

Refined carbs, like white bread, pasta, and rice, lose nutrients during the manufacturing process. Trade them for whole wheat bread and pasta and brown or wild rice. Or opt for other whole grains like oatmeal, popcorn, barley, or bulgur. This change can have a big impact: Studies show that a diet high in whole grains can lower your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.

woman making salad

#3-Load Up On Fruits And Veggies

These natural foods are two staples of clean eating. Some clean eaters say all your produce should be fresh. But others say that frozen and canned options are the next best thing, since they have just as many nutrients. Just read the label to make sure you’re not getting extra sugar or salt. Also choose whole fruits instead of juices, which have less fiber and more sugar. Aim to get at least five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables each day, depending on the calories you need and your level of physical activity.

man reading yogurt label

#4-Watch Out For Salt And Added Sugar

Clean foods are naturally low in salt and sugar, and adding them goes against the as-natural-as-possible approach. Since processed foods are a major source of them, you can slash your intake when you avoid them. Otherwise, read food labels to look for added sweeteners and salt, even in foods that seem healthy, like yogurt or tomato sauce. Also keep tabs on how much you add to your foods and drinks. Try flavoring with spices and herbs instead.

blue pasta

#5-Skip Artificial Ingredients

Artificial colors, sweeteners, preservatives, and other man-made ingredients don’t have a place in a clean-eating diet. At the grocery store, read food labels and avoid items with the fake stuff.

mint citrus water

#6-Sip Plenty Of Water

Instead of sugar-heavy soft drinks and juices, sip low-calorie beverages, such as water and herbal tea. Water can curb your hunger and help you feel full, but it can also fend off fatigue and give you more energy. Miss flavored drinks? Try infusing your water with a slice of citrus or sprig of mint.

green tea

#7-Rethink Alcohol And Caffeine

Some clean eaters cut them out entirely in favor of drinking plenty of water. Others say it’s OK to have them in moderation. Clean eater or not, experts recommend no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine (about three to five 8-ounce cups of coffee) per day, and one serving of alcohol for women and two for men. Also skip the sugary extras: Opt for plain tea or coffee, and avoid sweet mixers for alcohol.

local produce

#8-Decide If You’ll Go Organic

Organic farmers use natural pesticides and avoid man-made ones, so some people say organic produce is the best way to eat clean. It’s up to you to decide how important it is to your diet. You can also shop at your local farmers market to find out what kinds of pesticides the vendors use. Another tip: Pesticides usually wind up on the outsides of fruits and veggies, so you can choose non-organic foods with skins you don’t eat, like avocados, corn, and onions

farmer milking cow

#9-Be Smart About Meat And Dairy

Meat, dairy, and eggs you buy at the store may come from animals that get growth hormones and antibiotics. Clean eaters avoid them and choose organic or opt for local sources that raise animals humanely. A farmer’s market is a good place to learn more about where your meat and dairy come from. Seafood isn’t labeled as organic, so look for items low in mercury and that use sustainable fishing. The cleanest approach to protein? Get most of it from nuts, beans, and legumes.

The basic secret to living a healthy, more fit Lifestyle when you are over 50 is: “Everything in moderation.” That is the beauty of participating in my 3 Step Fitness/Wellness “90 day” Program. It’s easy, simple, and rewarding.

In 90 days you will develop a modest daily routine that will sustain you for the balance of your life. By investing just a few minutes a day (not hours) you will sustain a vibrant lifestyle that will afford you the luxury to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future.

The Principle I Have Perfected Over The Years Is:  


My motto is;

“Start small, and add one small thing each week, for 12 weeks”



Watch this video to see Don’s Personal Invitation



IMPERATIVE To Use, “The Best Profile Photo” For Senior Online Dating

“WHY” . . . IT’S IMPERATIVE To Use, “The Best Profile Photo” For Senior Online Dating

Online dating expert, Carmelia Ray, offers important tips on how to pick the best profile photo for a Senior dating website.

This Video will show you how to take the best Photo possible to post on your dating Profile. It’s critical to present the optimum “FIRST IMPRESSION” before the dating process takes place.

Online dating expert, Carmelia Ray, offers important tips on how to pick the best profile photo for a Senior dating website.

Donald Thomsen’s insight:

Lost a Loved One?


Just Tired of Being . . . ALONE?

For whatever reason; “You have decided to try to get back into the dating game.“


You’re probably asking; “COMPETE . . . what do you mean by, COMPETE? I just want to meet someone for companionship and friendship.“

Every relationship starts out that way, but what if . . .? Make no mistake, Dating has always been and always will be the most competitive social sport on the planet.

If you decide to enter this ONLINE arena; “YOU WILL BE COMPETEING!” And it won’t be like the old days, where all you had to beat out was a half-dozen classmates in High School or College.

You’re going on the “THE BIG STAGE” now. You will be compared with hundreds or even thousands of your peers, in every category. We all remember that old adage: “First Impressions are lasting impressions.”

You may have:

  • A Steller Personal Resume;
  • An Intriguing Biographical History;
  • A Riveting Sense of Humor

BUT, if your potential co- conspirator can’t get past your “Unflattering Photo” . . . “WHAT’S THE POINT?

Whatever you do DON’T try “trick” photography. Photoshoping your head on Schwarzenegger’s or Beyonce’s body; won’t get you very far. At some point you two actually have to meet face to face.

Don’t let my rant scare you away, that’s not my intent. I just want you to be realistic. You need to train to be the BEST contestant you can be.

Treat senior dating like any other sporting contest you would enter:

  • DON’T relegate this exciting quest to the trash bin before you even get started.
  • DON’T equate your profile photo, like having your picture taken at the DMV.

This could be a life changing commitment, treat it as such.

You do have options . . . no matter your age. I am offering you a SIMPLE, FOOLPROOF, EASY, PERMANENT solution to your potential problem.

If you give me:

  • 30-45 minutes a day
  • 6 days per week
  • for 12 weeks

I will give you:

  • A more positive outlook on life
  • A more physically fit body
  • More stamina, (which may be required if you pursue online dating)

The basic secret to living a healthy, more fit Lifestyle when you are over 50 is: “Everything in moderation.” That is the beauty of participating in my 3 Step Fitness/Wellness “90 day” Program. It’s easy, simple, and rewarding.

In 90 days you will develop a modest daily routine that will sustain you for the balance of your life. By investing just a few minutes a day (not hours) you will sustain a vibrant lifestyle that will afford you the luxury to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future.



Sign Up for my FREE 3 Step Video Series and Newsletter then JOIN US in our 12 week Fitness/Wellness Program.


Watch this video to see Don’s Personal Invitation





Dine Out Without Straying From Your Healthy Habits.

For some people, eating out is an occasional indulgence. For others, it’s a way of life. Either way, moderate portions and careful choices can help make restaurant meals fit into an overall healthy-eating plan. Follow these tips to eat your best even when dining out.

NUMBER #1- Keep hunger under control

  • Don’t skip a meal on the day you’re going out to eat.
  • Have a light, nutritious snack — such as a piece of fruit or a glass of fat-free milk — an hour before your meal to avoid eating too much at the restaurant.

NUMBER #2-Choose restaurants that offer variety.

  • Choose a restaurant that offers a wide selection of foods and fresh, low-fat options.
  • Call the restaurant ahead of time to ask about healthy menu items. Or go online to check its website to see if nutrition information is posted.

NUMBER #3-Order more plant-based foods.

  • Try an exotic fruit — kiwi or papaya, for example — for variety.
  • Order your favorite vegetables, but don’t smother them in rich, high-fat dressings or cream sauces.
  • Order items that include whole-grain foods to get your fiber.

NUMBER #4-Control portion size.

  • Leave food on your plate.
  • If you’re tempted to clean your plate, ask your server to remove it.
  • Finish half your plate and ask for a carryout bag — you’ll end up with two meals for the price of one.

NUMBER#5-Control fat.

  • Order baked or broiled. Avoid fried.
  • Ask for smaller portions of fatty foods — such as meats and fatty sauces — or ask for substitutions.

NUMBER #6-Cut out or cut back on the condiments.

  • Taste your food before adding salt, butter, sauces and dressings.
  • Order sauces and dressings on the side: Even small amounts add up.
  • Substitute healthier condiments: Use mustard instead of mayonnaise. Use pepper or lemon juice in place of salt.

NUMBER#7-Approach buffets with a plan.

  • Don’t be tempted to overfill your plate just to get your money’s worth. Instead, survey the entire buffet line and choose the healthiest options.
  • Make salad your first course, with plenty of veggies, fruit, and no-fat or low-fat dressing. Then go back for the entree or just eat more salad.

NUMBER#8-Mind your manners — it’ll help you cut calories.

  • Eat slowly for better digestion. You’ll feel full before overeating.
  • Don’t gulp your food; chew thoroughly.
  • Order food that requires work and slows down your eating, such as crab legs.
  • Share your meal with a companion.

NUMBER#9-Order beverages with few or no calories.

  • Order water or sparkling water with a twist of lemon — it’s healthy, filling and has no calories.
  • For a hot drink, try black decaf coffee or hot tea, minus sugar and other extras.
  • Be aware that alcoholic beverages may have more calories than you’d expect, and alcohol may stimulate your appetite and weaken your willpower.

NUMBER#10-Think before ordering dessert.

  • Finish the main dish. By the time you’re done, you may not want dessert.
  • If you do order dessert, split it with a friend or take half of it home.

If you follow these 10 simple guidelines you can enjoy your occasional dinning out excursions more often. The basic secret to living a healthy, more fit Lifestyle when you are over 50 is: “Everything in moderation.” That is the beauty of participating in my 3 Step Fitness/Wellness “90 day” Program. It’s easy, simple, and rewarding.

In 90 days you will develop a modest daily routine that will sustain you for the balance of your life. By investing just a few minutes a day (not hours) you will sustain a vibrant lifestyle that will afford you the luxury to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future.



Sign Up for my FREE 3 Step Video Series and Newsletter then JOIN US in our 12 week Fitness/Wellness Program.


Watch this video to see Don’s Personal Invitation

(If you can’t view this video, load this post into your browser, GOOD LUCK)



5 Tips To Combat Senior Social Isolation

If You Are A Baby-Boomer, Or Senior, Or If You’re Trying To Help An Aging Parent Or Loved One Combat Senior Social Isolation, Consider These Ways To Help Engage With Others And Community Again.

It Doesn’t Take Much, But It Will Mean So Much To Your Happiness And Well-Being.

1. Encourage  Hobbies

You may be surprised to hear that hobbies are an important thing to have when you reach your golden years. Whether it’s card games, bingo, gardening, baking or volunteering, hobbies help create a sense of purpose, and they also give your aging parent a reason to get out of the house.

So remember what you really enjoy, or try to remember what got you excited years ago and re-introduce it back into your life.  Maintaining interests is a very effective way of preventing loneliness from occurring in the first place.

2. Organize Transportation

A big reason why many seniors often stay put at home without venturing outside much is that get around can be a challenge. If there’s a card game happening every night at their friend’s house located across the city with no means to get there, it’s easy to see how this can be a challenge for them. Having easy access to transportation is crucial for seniors to be able to stay connected to their community. Offering a ride or hiring a pick-up and drop-off service can help seniors break through this obstacle while assisting them to maintain a sense of independence.

3. Encourage More Family Time

Setting up weekly routines such as dining together at home or heading out for a nice meal as an entire family, can make a world of difference and mean so much. For seniors, interaction with family is more important than ever. So make sure to include them in your daily life, whether it’s dining together a few nights each week, or having family games night or just browsing through the market together.

4. Foster Companionship With a Pet

Having a furry little one to care for is another excellent way to help combat senior social isolation. Caring for a pet will create a sense of purpose, and it will allow folks to focus on something to pass the time while enjoying the cuddles and companionship that a pet can provide. Plus, it will encourage ones to get out more and enjoy the fresh air during their daily walks with their pet.

5. Don’t Forget About Exercise

While seniors may be more fragile and prone to injury, exercise is still one of the most important factors for maintaining good health, both physically and mentally. Exercise is also very beneficial at easing anxiety and promoting our feel-good hormones. Encourage yourself to stay active by joining a senior aqua fitness class, yoga, tai chi, or any other method of gentle exercise that they will enjoy.


I have developed simple, easy 90 day program, designed exclusively for men and women over the age of 50. The secret success of my platform is GRADUAL PROGRESSION! As we age we must take a more effective approach to fitness. Instead of the normal intense application of, lengthystrenuous weight training sessions and high impact cardio solutions applied 3-4 a week.

My Successful Theory Is: 

“Start Our Small, And Add One Small Thing Each Week For 12 Weeks” 

The best part of my easy program is:

  • You can participate in the comfortable, secure confines of your “OWN HOME”
  • You have the benefit of,” having your own PERSONAL TRAINER 24/7 without leaving your house”
  • You can work at your own pace, set your own personal goals
  • Your progress is tracked by my exclusive automated Weekly Charts

This Has Been My Experience Over The Past 3+ Years:

  • I get my required “Daily” nutrients, vitamins and minerals through a Doctor’s approved supplement
  • I eat a healthy, sensible diet.
  • I partake “Daily” in a few minutes (not hours) of easy exercises, designed specifically for my age group.
  • I set and achieve “short term” goals; the only limitations I have are those that I place on myself.

As a result, my  Fitness and overall health is better now than it was 25 years ago. I’m not saying I have discovered the fabled “Fountain of Youth” but I have come pretty darn close.

The basic secret to living a healthy, more fit Lifestyle when you are over 50 is: “Everything in moderation.” That is the beauty of participating in my 3 Step Fitness/Wellness “90 day” Program. It’s easy, simple, and rewarding.

In 90 days you will develop a modest daily routine that will sustain you for the balance of your life. By investing just a few minutes a day (not hours) you will sustain a vibrant lifestyle that will afford you the luxury to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future.

Watch this video and discover “Brand New Concept” to better fitness and health

Sign Up for my FREE 3 Step Video Series and Newsletter then JOIN US in our 12 week Fitness/Wellness Program.





We All Want To Have The Most Efficient Zippy Metabolism Possible. Here Are The Most Common Ways You Might Be Undermining Your Inner Engine.


1. You’re Not Eating Enough

When you don’t take in enough nutrients, your body essentially thinks you’re starving, says Nutritionist Jess Cording, R.D. So if you’re cutting calories but aren’t seeing results, chances are you’re skimping on  food. Bump up your caloric intake by 200 calories, and monitor how you feel — and look.

2. You’re Skimping On Sleep

Lack of sleep throws your hunger hormones of of whack, which leaves you more likely to eat unhealthy foods–and too much of them. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep a night, on as many night s as possible.

3. You’re Stressed Out

High stress levels boost your production of cortisol, which increases inflammation, belly fat, and cravings. Find an outlet like a spin class, yoga, meditation, or massage to help you deal.

4.Your Not Eating Enough Protein 

Your body needs protein to do everything from fuel your cells to built tissues, and without ample protein, your metabolism slows, you feel sluggish, and won’t be able to build muscle mass. Shoot for at least 0.5 grams of protein per pond of body weight per day, space out amongst your meals.

5. You Don’t Strength Train

Research shows that cardio supports weight loss, while it burns calories it can’t boost your metabolism. Weight training, on the other hand, can. Muscle tissue uses a lot of calories every day, so the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism. To build muscle, schedule in at least two or three strength-training sessions per week.


The basic secret to living a healthy, more fit Lifestyle when you are over 50 is: “Everything in moderation.” That is the beauty of participating in my 3 Step Fitness/Wellness “90 day” Program. It’s easy, simple, and rewarding.

In 90 days you will develop a modest daily routine that will sustain you for the balance of your life. By investing just a few minutes a day (not hours) you will sustain a vibrant lifestyle that will afford you the luxury to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future.


My name is Donald Thomsen, and I am living proof that fitness over 50 IS possible.

In fact, I didn’t start my journey until I was 75. (What would have happened if I had started 25 years earlier?) At the age of 75, I was overweight, out of shape, and taking several medications. If you haven’t seen my inspirational VIDEO JOURNEY of the transformation that I experienced . . . 

Watch It Now

Stop Procrastinating . . . 

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